Saturday, July 17, 2010

Design Design Design!Progress Progress Progress!

Ive been currently busy with so many activities and so many schedules and so many curriculum based problems, and im getting really disorganized, ive been living a sedentary lifestyle again and it really does not feel good at all. I want that habit before to go back the way it was and now im planning and organizing and doing all the things I can to make sharp progress specially in the near future to come. Im Currently getting fat again but im wondering why that weight scaled me at 156 lbs, last time i was on 160 lbs but it doesn't look to me as if i was loosing weight but im currently noticing that my biceps and arms are getting slimmer and im scared of getting it thin! I just want it to have a slim sexy fit look that makes a girl want to touch and caress it haha! Im also really frustrated at my deformed body now that i know that i have an endo meso body type which means that I get fat and thin easily but the fats that i get is stored mostly in my love handle area!damn that sucks!

A friend of mine which is also one of the student leaders at school talked to me about the design advertisement of wet and wild 2 and he asked me if i can do the designs of the second event for marketing purposes and avertisements to the co students. without hesitation and doubts i agreed, its all because of the respect i have for all the co leaders and my passion for helping and participating in school organizations.

heres the design:

the design looks really nice with all  the grunge and with the traditional wings popping out of the main design, and so far many of my collegemates likes it and they sure are happy that part 2 is now approved by the college dean. I can't wait to see this on AMA's bulletin boards :D

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