Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Is drinking beer good?

"Just when you thought your parents were totally right everytime"

As far as i'm concern when im still a teen I use to tell everyone I won't drink beer, or drinking beer sucks! and it doesn't even taste good! it often tasted too bitter and smells bad too, well it all changed when I reached 20. Almost 80% percent of parents in the Philippines tend to ban their teen kids from drinking beer, some of them even in their 20's and they seem to believe that beer can do us no good and may ruin our lives in the future, you will have liver cancer, or even kill people when your drunk. I once have that question of why beer has even been bad for us to drink? well i now have some answers and experiences and to my modest most honest opinion, its a big NO for me but it still depends on the person who's drinking it.

" I never tried beer for breakfast but because of the image I might as well try "

I first started drinking beer when Im on my college years, at first i was having big doubts about it, but when your with the company of your friends you tend to be capable of doing things you are not capable of doing, and thats what happened to me as well. On the very first time that i got too drunk, and got kicked by the horse (redhorse) I began to feel more confident, self esteem boosted as if though I used a potion of some sort lols! I felt more relaxed and comfortable, it feels like im all alone in my room again but the reality is im in front of my friends and afterwards in different people i don't even know why but i never felt even better with people that time, considering the fact that I have major social anxiety problems.

"maximum beerness"

Google has been my friend for about 4 years now, so ive researched some stuff regarding beer and here is the top 10 facts why beer is good to our health and human lives:

1. Beer Reduces Stress
Alcohol in general has been shown to reduce stress. This one is obvious, and may be the best reason beer is good for your health.

2. Beer is Good for the Heart
A study was conducted from 1982 - 1996 on the elderly. It was found that those who drank at least 1.5 per day had a 20-50 percent less chance of having heart failure.

3. Beer Improves Blood Circulation
Beer increases your "good" cholesterol, or HDL (high-density lipoprotein) cholesterol. Its basically a kind of blood fat, so it reduces blood's tendency to clot.

4. Beer is Chock Full o' Fiber
 The fiber comes from the cell walls of the malted barley. A liter of beer can have as much as 60% of your daily recommended fiber. The extra fiber will keep you regular and can also lower the risk of heart disease.

5. Beer as a Multi-vitamin
Beer is a significant source of magnesium, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, biotin, folate, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12

6. Beer can Prevent Strokes
A study published in Stroke magazine in 2001 showed that alcohol drinkers have fewer strokes. Because it thins the blood, it increases the circulation in the brain, thereby protecting from silent strokes which are cause by tiny blood clots.

7. Beer keeps your Brain Young
A large study, published in the December 2001 issue of Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, was conducted on elderly italian men and women. It showed that moderate drinkers had a 40% lower risk of mental impairment.

8. Beer is Good for your Liver
Alcohol expands the small blood vessels in the liver. This speeds up metabolism so it can help clean all the toxins out of the liver. This is from Beer Net Publication, April 2001 Biological Institute.

9. Beer Cures Insomnia
Lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, both present in beer, can promote sleep. Also hops are a natural sedative.

10. Beer Fends off Gallstones
According to Professor Oliver James at the University of Newcastle, beer protects against gallstones and kidney stones.

" these type of beers aren't available at our local suking tindahan"

Beer drinking has different results based upon the one who's drinking, I don't even know if there's such a thing as responsible and irresponsible drinker but if I'm the one to define myself and  I consider myself as a responsible drinker, I always know when to pause for a break and to stop when its too much for me, some others just kept drinking until they loose control and the worst thing is when they start hurting people, even their friends because of two words.. " Lasing ako". There are some people who I consider as an angry irresponsible drinker, they are the ones who act like kids when drunk and tend to destroy things, hurt or even kill people due thru their stupid non valid reason, well for my opinion its only you who's responsible for your actions and you can't blame the beer for that, cause your the one who's drinking it right? and that sums it up for those people.

" 3 mucho Red horse beer? what more could I ask for? A bag of chips of course! try it you'll see"

So now we all realize why beer ain't that bad after all, but always remember that too much of something is really bad for our health so we should just keep everything in moderation. I'm now a regular beer drinker, and mostly drink redhorse beer during occasions and when I'm on a barkada gimmick and did you even know("85% of pinoys today celebrates occasions with beer, karaoke, and pulutan in a table just outside their houses" try to observe and you'll see). I now found a cure to my social anxiety disorder that I suffered so much during my past few years, my interpersonal skills and confidence boosted up to its heights, my shyness almost dissolved in thin air and I never felt better than before all thanks to beer.


Monday, January 3, 2011

tagaytay adventures part 2

"this is how The GODS render some serious graphics lols" 

I knew there was going to be a part 2 and now it is happening!, it all first started when i planned out and made a tag msg using facebook which i often do to make and create gimmicks for the barkada, it took some time,plans suggestions and schedules and after a long msg conversation we decided to go out to luigi's house to chill for the night and off to tagaytay again afterwards. After my final interview I went straight to luigi's place at about 3 pm and waited for the others to arrive, after a short 3 freakin hours! yes 3 freakin hours! mark arrives, well im no waiting person and I definitely hate waiting for people, luckily theres so much food on luigi's kitchen for me to dig in and chow on to lessen the waiting sadness and the stress.

" drinking has never been this fun for us lols"

So again about an hour passed by then the two arrived and we decided to go out to the store to buy some beer and snacks. We were yet again socializing and having a fun time that night O your lord! i just love getting drunk! I know it kinda sounds bad for me because my parents don't even wanted me drink but i have some valid reasons almost all of them are so far positive, one reason is because people tend to do things they don't get to do regularly, some people laugh and laugh while drunk, others gets emotional, and some gets a huge boost in confidence, well I myself gets to relax, laugh, and at the same time get a heck of a boost in my confidence and self esteem levels and yet i still not yet to know the reason why? hmmm maybe ill google it later :D..

after some long hours of drinking, socializing, and laughing i decided to take a nap for about 2 hours so i could just get a bit of energy before proceeding to our planned destination. Darwin went to sleep first due thru the effects of the beer while chowing up on some high monosodium glutamate snack, and yes it really puts up the kick when you eat those kind of chips while drinking, and hell yeah I got kicked too LOWLS. When the clock struck 4 am uigi woke me up cause its time to go, the gang prepped up yet again I borrowed a jacket from luigi cause its totally cold at the place, so we went out started waiting for a jeep me and darwin saw a bright star which we know is a planet and kept making jokes out of it one joke was " O shit its nibiru and its gonna destroy us all so pray to your GODS niggers its payback time! hahahaha!" its early in the morning and we looked like some bunch of drunk retards on the road laughing! well thats what you get from friendship, having fun till the morning shines.

" What the heck are you doing dar? hahahaha "

We arrived at the very moment at 5 am on tagaytay, it was cold and wintery and smoke comes out when im breathing, we stopped by at 7 eleven to stir up some noodles for us to dig in good thing dar didn't forget to bring his camera for some good old picture taking. Afterwards we went to one of our favorite places to watch the sun shine on our faces, its at starbucks at the back of the place close to kontiki bar and also near the ocean. In the very first moment I was like " Holy Shissssscabob!" I never saw something like that before, the ocean the clouds and the scenery is totally taking my breath away! it looks more of like a painting but a real one! I laughed when darwin said " God is currently rendering graphics" that made my lung spill some laughter out of its air tubes lols!.

" the shot thats on my portfolio now "

We took some photos, had fun and waited until 8 am for starbucks to open so we could get some coffee and some frap for us to drink while enjoying the moment. When the cafe finally opened up I was excited to finally try a frap in while amidst the early cold morning breeze, upon ordering a 170 peso frappucino drink I remembered one of my favorite youtube comedians cigga's or Dcigs you can check out his channel here http://www.youtube.com/user/dcigs on his black man angry at starbucks video which frankly made me laugh so hard I've even repeated it for about 10 times and it still made me laugh so go try and check it out and i promise you won't be disappointed and you will also laugh as hard as I did.

"yep thats starbucks and its 6 am in the morning"

When we were on the cafe' we saw different human races come across our way, some of them are gay pinoys, some are americans, others are french, and some others are just Filipinos' but the one thing that pisses me off is the fat pinoy guy showing off his gadgets while drinking a  cup of coffee, I mean WTF is your point showing your dslr camera and your laptop and your phone unpacking it all and puttingt it on the table if ur not even using it?! and then after drinking all the coffee he packs it up and goes away owwww your lord.... What the hell is wrong with these fat no life mofo's?! well i know they have income and the money to buy stuff but seriously why the hell do that? whats the point? do they even think that some hot chick will love them because of that? do they even think they'll get laid because of that? well for me HELL NO! they'll get laid because of their paid sex and gold diggin bitches that knows they'll blow up in just a minute! easy money ayt?!!! thats how! those no life mofo's pisses me off bigtime!.

" thats a 120 cup of coffee and a 170 bucks of mochachocafocolatte whatever you may call it! "

After all those weird stuff happening, we decided to go home, ive enjoyed my stay at the cafe' and the frap was very delicious, but for a 170 peso frap its still to expensive for the regular pinoy ("and did you even know that the average pinoy daily buys food worth 150 pesos for three meals per day?  well some poor pinoy even uses just up to a hundred peso for the whole day for food") well now you know that its totally expensive at starbucks for a regular pinoy. So far ive enjoyed part 2 of our stay at tagaytay, its a beautiful place with a lot of good restaurants and cafe's to stay and socialize on and its by far one of my favorite locations in luzon.

" One more stolen shot and were good to go :D "

Friday, December 17, 2010

Philippines new money design

Its been a while since our country think about getting a new face for our money, and when first looked at i was astounded, it looks cooler and more presentable than ever before, and it kinda looks like a european dollar.

All the colors where still retained so we shouldn't get confused by the new looks and presentation of the money heres a sample of the new look of a 20 peso bill: Take note that the black numbers are not included,

Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas on Thursday unveiled the bank notes’ new designs, as well as its new security features.
Amando Tetangco, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Governor said the new currencies took three years to complete, from conceptualization and printing, now thats some serious planning and conceptualizing I'd really hope to get a job like that cause i usually get to do the conceptualizing and designing for just a few hours because of the deadline.
He said the new bills will make it “difficult for counterfeiters to copy while easier for people to determine counterfeits.”
Tetangco said the new bank notes “combine new and familiar elements.”
“We retained colors to make sure people don’t get confused,” he added.
The bills will be in circulation this December while the old bank notes will still be accepted within the next three years. In that case we should be seeing the new money really really soon. heres another image:

Money features
The new bills continue to honor great Filipinos like former presidents Manuel Quezon, Sergio Osmena, Manuel Roxas, and Diosdado Macapagal. Former senator Ninoy Aquino, and war heroes Josefa Llanes Escoda, Vicente Lim, and Jose Abad Santos are also featured on the bills. the faces looked somewhat digitally created, and looked quite really photoshopped but so far it still looked good, but for the faces i'd still prefer the old ones.
However, the P500 bill now features former President Corazon Aquino, whose photo is placed beside her husband, Ninoy. It also depicts a smiling Ninoy, a far cry from his forlorn image in the current P500 bill. heres the image:

“The decision to honor Cory Aquino in the P500 note was announced in the week that she passed away, long before their son ran for president,” said Tetangco. well what do we expect?, and take a look at their smiles, its like (yeah we rule! and our son was president too! fck ya'll haters!) hahahahaha! lols!
The P500 bill also makes history by having both parents with the signature of their son, President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino, for the win bitches! kulang nalang si kris aquino hahaha!.
Aquino said it makes him happy “as a son and as a Filipino” to have his parents on the same bank note where his signature appears.
“It is a testament to what they sacrificed for our people, and a testament to their love for our country,” said Aquino.

All the bills continue to have these security features: embossed prints, serial numbers, security fibers and threads, and watermark. But new security features include the word “Pilipino” written in “Baybayin,” a pre-Spanish writing system, and the Republic of the Philippines seal. whew, and i suggest they put an encryption security feature with binary numbers on it, or maybe a nanogerm that reacts to a detector when scanned lols!.

The back of the P20 bill shows the Banaue Rice Terraces and an animal, Palm Civet or ‘Alamid’ in local language.
The now darker red P50 bill meanwhile shows Taal Lake and Maliputo, a fish that thrives only in the waters of the lake.
The back of the almost purple P100 bill shows ‘perfect cone’ Mayon Volcano and a Butanding, a whale shark that is a main attraction in Sorsogon.
The almost-green P200 bill shows Bohol Chocolate Hills and the world’s smallest primate found in the Philippines, the Tarsier.
Former president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s photo taking oath is now in front of the P200 bill but is almost not visible well what noy noy wants noy noy gets bitch! hahaha!.
The P1000 bill features the Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park and a South Sea Pearl.

well so far i think noy-noy has done something worth remembering, and try to look at that guys face, looks like a pile of shit but by the hearts of many pinoys' this person is more like gold dug on a mile of sand, yeah more like obama in america.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Project days

Ive been currently busy or a while or should i say occupied by some projects lately, and that often made me feel productive as ever, although it stresses me a lot and i get to sit a lot on the chair for hours on the day and night well i can't deny it, i need money, money is quite important in my day to day gimmicks and activities and despite the fact that im a graduate student now well that shows how badly i want to be productive these days. First project i got was a header and pilot advertisement slider design on ms. Sharon Cullens new upcoming and updated website, ive designed 5 of it, and its very well appreciated by the client, heres some sample:

The color scheme the images and the texts match up to what i expected it to be, it looked nice and great to look at, i've also enhanced the image of sharon for it to stand out on the background, adjusted some o the colors and added typography into it to turn it into an advertisement slider which practically promote sharons profession, i got paid for almost a hundred dollars for it yay! thats hours well spent! thanks to my very sweet and charming adviser and mentor Ms. Irish Racelis for you can check her blog here: http://miss-honeul.net/

Im happy to have projects flowing this holiday season, now i have the money to buy stuff for me again this christmas and i won't have to beg my mom for it! yeah!, next project i did was the whole new furbish up mockdraft website, they want the whole website updated via their requests not based on my own idea so i have to come up with ideas which has non changeable instructions upon which i should not violate,  otherwise im dead! hehe, this took me a half a day of my lifetime to create, conceptualize all the possible stuff on it eg: the fonts the typography etc etc, and choose the color scheme. but so far ive now created two pilot pages, ones on the top and the 2nd layout is on below:

For the second layout i chose a black scheme, which is not totally black but is actually a gradient made from black colors, and added up some white transparency thingy to it to spice it up a bit, changed the font to calibri and added up some minor changes, which took me again hours of conceptualize and creative thinking., and for me the second design mainly is my pick for the design and luckily they also liked it. but the pages are not finished yet, i still have some pages to create today and im going to finish it later tonight. I just hope the clients will like it. what a very productive season.